Society & Culture

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Americans: do you think that you may be...?

More sensitive than the British

or is it just that

British humour is difficult to understand

I just find that Americans don't get British jokes. Perhaps it's a cultural thing. I am wondering if Americans are just more sensitive or it is us and our humour.

I think some Americans do not understand British humor because I think it's high brow. I love British humor. I prefer the British versions of tv shows like the Office. I love Fawlty Towers and Ab Fab. I've been trying to watch Are You Being Served? but I think it's dated. I don't always get it and it does seem a bit slow or maybe it's the sound quality isn't very good. I missed Monty Python. What I have seen - very funny. I love British drama. The Importance of Being Earnest - very funny. I love Shakespeare.

American humor is kind of lame. We have some funny things but a lot of it is so elementary. Boring for me. I have my masters. I minored in English in college. I have always loved literature and language.

The accent makes it hard also for people to understand.

With British humor - I've noticed that it's subtle - you have to think - it's quiet. I love that. I find it's more satisfying then if it's so blatant and in my face.

It's just a cultural thing.

I've found that Americans have more obvious humor whereas the British have more subtle humor. That's why alot of Americans don't get British jokes or it takes them a little while to get it...they aren't used to thinking about it and paying attention to the little things that make British humor funny.

And honestly these days I think American humor is getting a little ridiculous. I've found most of the newer American comedies to be extremely unfunny and don't understand how people can love them so much. I can't remember the last time I went to the movies to see a comedy and actually had a good long laugh. Most of it is so stupid.

I think that it's just cultural differences. It's hard to ask if a whole country is more sensitive than another because there are so many peple that make up one country. I was watching a Beatles movie the other day and the British humor took me a little longer to understand but it was still funny :)

I think British humour is difficult for them to get. They prefer slapstick what i call 'fart in your face' humour, or humour without a 'u' in it.... :-)

For example, this American guy at my work used to love racing and was going on about it. Then he was saying how awful it was because one of the drivers died mid race by crashing into a wall. I said 'at least he died fast' and started chuckling. He looked blank for a moment and then confused, then continued talking. He didn't get the tone or the context lol. Well i enjoy my little jokes anyway!

i'm british and i think most american humour isnt funny, its all rude nad slapstick whereas our humour is more about our culture and daily life.

its just a different kind and they dont understand it.

thats why americans look at me wierd when i'm being sarcastic they dont get it unless you laugh after or it was something totally unrealistic.

its just the difference in our cultures!

Some years ago I would have agreed with you wholeheartedly, but I think we're blending slightly better nowadays. Speaking as an English person I would still avoid the majority of American "comedy" films and TV programmes (described in my house as "oh god not another crap american non-comedy") but we do have common ground. Monty Python made a breakthrough, and more recently so did programmes like Friends and Frasier.

They don't get it. That's why there's a lot of misunderstanding involved. You say something, you laugh, they don't get it and think you are laughing at them. Like the old joke goes:

How do you confuse a Yank? Put 2 shovels against the wall and tell him to take his pick.

My experience of Americans is that they have no sense of humour. They either don't get jokes or take everything way too seriously. They can't laugh at themselves.

Having said that, South Park is f****** funny.

British/European culture is reserved and dignified in a way that most Americans will never understand. Both have their plus points.

americans mostly prefer slapstick comedy

It's not our sensitivity- we just don't get. We don't know what you're trying to say

All i know is that the monty python tv show isn't funny at all ('m American).

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