Society & Culture

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What do you miss most about the

I miss feeling safe even if it wasn't. We did not have the news media blasting the same old bad news over and over and over again causing people to be anxious. I miss not having to worry about people trying to steal my identity, break in my house, and steal my belongings. I miss when there were less cars on the road and you could take a "leisurely" drive on Sunday and enjoy the view. People were not in a hurry to go nowhere back then. I miss the good food. I miss friendly neighborhoods with people you could trust and count on. I miss people with manners who taught their kids that they were not God's gift to the world. I miss not being anxious about killer mosquitoes and bees. I miss a lot but they say you can never go home again.

The freedom of stress. I loved my life in the good old days, going to school sports, dances and the social life. Life was so easy then.

We are having our fifty year reunion this summer.

I enjoy my life in a different way now, with my family and love them so much. We have more concerns now with health and economy as I realize many young people do as well. I didn't worry back then about all my investments going belly up.

High school and youth were good old days too.

Back in the 70s, I had my youth, a good job that I loved and great friends who were mostly artists and writers. We had some wonderful parties and I didn't know yet that booze would hurt me. My dad was still alive and Mom was "herself".

Thank God, I still have my wife and my health is good. As long as I have those, I'm living the "Good Ol' Days".

Being able to sit outside and hear birds singing instead of traffic and planes . Hearing children playing outdoors and their parents calling them in at dusk. Going anywhere after dark without fear. Being able to walk to a corner store for an ice-cream cone.

Well, one, I've got a plaque in my kitchen that says THESE are the good old days. But what I miss about the world then is the relaxation about possible crime. It just so rarely happened.

Just about everything.

happyness :( no worrys ,no boyfriend ,no babys....

Ice cream trucks had soft serve ice cream with real cones. And real shaved ice for sno-cones.

Miss all my boys from my highschool crew.. were all seperated doing our own thangs now.


Happiness and carefree!!

Being younger and not achy all the time.

My appearance.

That today when I look back they were not as good as I once thought. Poppy

That I had my virginity.

The 1960's muscle cars !

simple clean fun, not heard of today !!

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